Several books with drawings & notes referring to video tapes. Series of around 30 Laser-prints on brown paper [also entitled "surplus… | in progress"].
Ich hatte gehofft, der Bleistift würde die Bilder einfangen. Indem er zügig, gewissenhaft die Standbilder vom Video abzeichnete, die Seiten füllte mit genauen und oberflächlichen Bemerkungen, fände schließlich eine Art Übertragung statt. Dann wären die belanglosen Szenen aus dem Vatikan doch das von mir Gesehene geworden. [...] Rom würde Rom bleiben. Es sei denn, jemand sähe die Nachmittage, die ich damit verbracht haben werde, Kader für Kader, an der Spitze des Bleistifts etwas durch die Schrift hindurch zu finden. […]
I had hoped that the pencil would capture the images; that some sort of transfer would ultimately take place as it sketched the stills swiftly and faithfully from the video, filling the pages with precise, superficial remarks. Then those insignificant scenes from the Vatican would have become what had I seen. […] Rome would remain Rome. Unless, that is, someone saw the afternoons I had spent with it, frame by frame, finding something through the writing, at the pencils tip. […]
Aus | from: Daniela Hölzl, Fußnote | Footnote
Book # 4 (closed), 30 x 21,5 cm
Book # 4 (opened), facing pages # 03, 30 x 43 cm
Book # 4 (opened), facing pages # 14, 30 x 43 cm
Book # 4 (opened), facing pages # 18, 30 x 43 cm
Book # 4 (opened), facing pages # 32, 30 x 43 cm
Book # 4 (opened), facing pages # 36, 30 x 43 cm
Installation view, Camera Austria, Graz, 2010 [On wall: Coda]. Show-case with 6 Laser-prints on brown paper, 28 x 28 cm each
Framed Laser-print on brown paper, 28 x 28 cm