Mit | with Alighiero Boetti, Germano Celant, Zoe Hackenberg, Susanne Neuburger; Eigenverlag | Self-published, Wien 2000; 28 S. | pages, 21 x 14,9 cm, 18 S/W Abbildungen | b/w illustrations; Auflage | print run 100 Exemplare | copies. No ISBN
U1 | OFC [outside front cover]
Doppels. | Spread of p. 8/9
Doppels. | Spread of p. 20/21
Doppels. | Spread of p. 22/23
Doppels. | Spread of p. 24/25
Doppels. | Spread of p. 28/U3 | IBC [inside back cover]
U4 & U1 | OBC [outside back cover] & OFC [outside front cover]